Monday, May 7, 2012

Dreaming for Gothic Cakes

I've never really liked cake. Actually every birthday I never want any cake, for me a plain o'l spaghetti and shanghai rolls would do. But when I turned 18 everything changed, I wanted a cake. Plain chocolate filling, coated, sprinkled cake. At least that's what I wanted.

Anyway, I've always wanted to have at least one Gothic cake for my birthday just once. Of course we don't have that kind of money to order a cake just like the picture below:

So I'll just keep dreaming of course. But you know what? While dreaming of that cake, here's a sample designs of cake you might want for your birthday.

( a bit of a skull type if you're like a rebel)

(ooh a little rebel princess type of cake. Great for teen angst lol)

(plain adorable if you're the type that settles for a little Victorian murder)

( and here we have a coffin inspired cake, just make sure after your birthday this is not the bed you'll be sleeping)

If you want to be inspired more with gothic images then please just me. You'll be directed to a Christian Goth site! have an awesome day :3

1 comment:

  1. Can you tell me the price for the last cake please
